Water Quality:
Solutions for Bad Water
The water quality experts at C-Tech Water Solutions test for common water problems and create a customized solution based on the water test results and the needs of the property owner.
IT’S SIMPLE MATH: Pays for Itself and More!
Based on the following facts:
- Somewhere between 17 and 20 cents of every dollar you spend at the supermarket goes for cleaning agents such as soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, dish detergent, dishwasher detergent, fabric softener, window cleaner, kitchen cleaner, bathroom cleaner and other chemicals.
- If your weekly grocery bill is $100, then you are spending between $17 and $20 per week on cleaning products, or $74 to $87 a month! (based on 4.3 weeks in a month)
- A new, energy efficient water softener, properly sized for your house and household usage, will save you 70% of your monthly bill for cleaning supplies, or $52 to $61 a month.
- Your monthly investment in a high quality water softener is only about $35 a month, depending on the size and features.
- So you immediately begin saving $17 to $26 a month!
The Benefits You’ll Love:
- Your clothes will be brighter and last longer!
- Your appliances such as water heaters and washers and heating systems will last longer and maintain their original factory efficiency.
- Your fixtures and pipes will last longer.
- Your utility bills will be lower.
- Your septic system will have less harmful chemicals in it, so it will last longer.
- Everything will stay cleaner and you will save time.
- If you spend more than $100 a week on groceries, the savings will be even greater!